2023 Pre-ICIS Workshop


The 22nd Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS

Sponsored by AIS SIGHCI

*** Sunday, December 10, 2023 (One-Day Workshop) in Hyderabad, India ***


Submissions Due: August 31st, 2023 September 7th, 2023
Acceptance Notification: October 10th, 2023
Camera-ready manuscripts (full papers, extended abstracts, or abstracts) due: October 24th, 2023
Pre-recorded presentation videos due: October 31st, 2023
Workshop event: December 10th, 2023

Workshop Program & Schedule: Click here for the program and schedule of the workshop.

Building on past Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS workshops and the tremendous interest in broad HCI issues exhibited by MIS colleagues, the AIS SIGHCI will hold its 22nd annual pre-ICIS HCI research workshop prior to ICIS 2023 on Sunday, December 10th, 2023.


The workshop offers MIS-focused HCI researchers the opportunity to come together and build a dynamic community that facilitates constructive and open discussion as well as exchange of ideas related to the field of HCI.


The workshop will feature a keynote speaker, as well as completed research and research-in-progress papers accepted for presentation either in the main program as Oral Presentations or as part of a Rapid Research Roundtable (RRR). The RRR offers an opportunity for less matured papers, which have not been accepted for oral presentations, to gain exposure and benefit from the collaborative feedback of the community.

  • Given the diverse goals of this workshop, a non-exhaustive list of potential topics is provided below:
    • Analysis, design, development, evaluation, and usage of information systems
    • Guidelines and standards for interface design
    • Design and evaluation of innovative interaction technologies
    • Design and evaluation of mobile and/or web interfaces
    • Interface design for collaborative or competitive environments
    • Interface design for individual and/or collective usage
    • Interface design for the elderly, the young, and/or other special needs populations
    • Adaptive, context-aware interface design
    • Novel forms of authentication and/or authorization (e.g., mousing or typing dynamics)
    • Impact of interface design on beliefs, attitudes, emotions, behaviors, productivity, and/or performance
    • Cognitive, Affective, and/or Conversational HCI
    • Data analytics in HCI
    • Gamified approaches to HCI
    • Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Human-Robot Interactions
    • Neuroscientific approaches to HCI
    • Nudging strategies and techniques in HCI
    • Usability engineering (i.e., friction reduction), ease-of-use and user experience
    • Ethical issues in HCI
    • Pedagogical issues related to HCI education
    • Implications and consequences of HCI advances on individuals, collectives, and society


Thanks to this year’s Sponsors (for a list, please visit https://sighci.org/sponsors), we are waiving the fee for current AIS graduate (doctoral or master’s) student members who will be presenting a paper.

Rates for Physical Attendees (one unique registration per paper presentation is required)
Early Bird, Until November 15th USD $150
Regular, November 16th – December 9th USD $200
AIS SIGHCI Student Member – presenting Free
AIS SIGHCI Student Member – non-presenting USD $75
Rates for Virtual Attendees:
Academics or Practitioners: USD $75
AIS SIGHCI Student Member: Free

*New this year* Student Travel Scholarships
The purpose of the scholarship is to promote diversity and inclusivity of doctoral student participation at the annual Pre-ICIS SIGHCI Workshop on HCI Research in MIS. The SIGHCI Student Travel Scholarship is intended to financially support doctoral students, whose manuscripts have been accepted for oral presentations in the main program (i.e., NOT RRR acceptances) at the annual Pre-ICIS SIGHCI Workshop, and who would otherwise be financially impaired in their ability to attend the SIGHCI Workshop by offsetting participation costs through a maximum USD $1,000 scholarship. The funds will be disbursed as a reimbursement of relevant expenses, and the procedure will be shared with all eligible recipients. This scholarship is non-competitive: any number of doctoral students presenting a paper in the main program shall be awarded this scholarship. This scholarship has been made possible thanks to the generous donations by our Individual, Academic, and Corporate sponsors, who are recognized on the SIGHCI website: https://sighci.org/sponsors.


On the eve of the Workshop (i.e., December 9th, 2023), a *sponsored* dinner cum social event will be organized for all registered participants. An invitation will be distributed via email closer to the date of the event. This event is contingent on the availability of appropriate premises to hold the event.


Following the workshop, a business meeting will be conducted. All current members will be invited to attend.


The best completed research papers from the workshop will be fast-tracked for publication consideration in the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (AIS THCI).


The workshop seeks high-quality submissions detailing completed research or research-in-progress. Authors should identify their submission as “Completed Research” or “Research in Progress” on the first page below the title. Submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. The submissions should not have been published or be under review elsewhere. All accepted submissions will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will be made available electronically via the AIS digital library.


All submissions must be formatted for letter size (8.5- x 11-inch where 1 inch = 2.5 cm) and have 1-inch margins on each side. Please use Times New Roman 10-point font with single spacing for the body of the paper. The first page of the manuscript should have a title, the type of the submission (Completed Research or Research-in-Progress), total word count of the submission, an abstract of 150 words or less, and a list of 5-6 keywords. Please click here to see/download the submission template.

Maximum length for manuscripts are as follows:

  • Completed Research Paper: 14 pages
  • Research-in-Progress: 7 pages

These page limits are inclusive of all text, figures, and tables, but do not include the cover page, abstract, keywords, or references.

Only submissions in Word format will be accepted for review.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts using The Conference Management Toolkit (CMT): https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/HCIMIS2023. The submission system will open on August 15th, 2023, and instructions will be provided on www.sighci.org.

Note that accepted submissions will appear in the workshop proceedings in a much shorter format than the submitted version, as follows: (i) for manuscripts accepted for presentation, an abstract of 150 words and a paper no more than seven pages in length, including abstract, figures, tables, and references; (ii) for manuscripts accepted for RRR, an abstract of 150 words and a paper no more than five pages in length, including the abstract, figures, tables, and references.

As this is a cooperative workshop environment, we expect submitting authors to be willing to serve as reviewers of other manuscripts.


Workshop Co-chairs:

Eric T. K. Lim, UNSW Sydney ()
Chee-Wee Tan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ()
Anna McNab, Niagara University ()

Program Co-chairs:

Ryan Schuetzler, Brigham Young University ()
Bingqing Xiong, Deakin University ()

Project categories: PreICIS

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